Monday, October 22, 2007

Please find a better name for this blog...and win a hat!


I was never very good at titles. Hard evidence of this is above, just over the cars that make up the U.S. flag. "Road America" was, honestly, the best I could come up with. Even for someone with no title talent, that's pretty lousy.

That's why I'm calling upon you, my trusted bloggy friends, to come up with a better name for this contribution to Internet literature. So I am formally announcing, as of right this moment, a CONTEST. Yes, the lucky winner will receive 1 (one) Los Angeles Dodgers baseball cap once I land in LA and get my act together. The contest starts NOW and ends November 2 at 12 noon (U.S. Pacific time, of course, or 21h for the central European types out there, or 3:00 pm for the East Coasters). Our expert panel of judges* will critically evaluate every entry through a rigorous 15-step process (17 steps if hung over), and will select the best entry from all received. Runners-up will receive nothing save for random scraps of gratitude, and the satisfaction of knowing that they contributed to improving the title of this blog.

Either post your entry directly in the COMMENTS section of this blog, or send it to my email (as you are likely reading this blog only because you know me, you should have my email in your address book somewhere). Again, contest starts this very instant, and ends November 2.

Good luck. And here's to hoping you win the hat and raise your hands in triumph.

* In other words, me


Stewart Kenneth Moore (Booda) said...

How about 'Route 666'?

Anonymous said...

Squaredancing the Euphrates!
Making my way to LA!
R u gonna see Indian Joe in LA???
Rippin Road Rot!!
I'm not good at names either but, I twied...

Apples 2 Angels

Anonymous said...

From Elionne by za way...

Paved Plans

Anonymous said...

Both comments above and this one from elionne!