Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Land of the writerless


Skipping ahead a little bit...I arrived! Yesterday was my triumphant return through the victory arches of Los Angeles. Apologies for the lack of blogonality over the past few days. I'll fill in the gaps (yes, I know it's cheating). But I'd really like to compliment the video below with a word or two about my stop in Montana. Plus there was an extended weekend in Seattle and western Washington that involved Norwegian food and boxing an 11-year old black kid. Stay tuned for the graphic details. Oh, I might as well also write an entry or two about Brooklyn and Long Island, my first stops on this trail.

Los Angeles. I've moved in to the guest room of pal Ines's apartment, as per the plan. She lives a block away from a freeway and across the street from a 7-11. But then again, pretty much everyone in LA lives near a freeway and a 7-11. The weather is mild and calm, the streets are full of cars...

Oh yes. And the writers are striking! As everyone in the entertainment business knows by now, the Writer's Guild has called a work stoppage. This is because the writers, as ever, aren't being paid enough by their employers (yeh, try working in Central Europe for a few years, guys). In a supreme example of fine timing, I arrived in LA the very day the strike started. So, looks like no writer job for me for a while. Guess I'd better practice cooking eggs and making toast, as I'll likely have to take a job at the local Denny's to get some income incoming. Would you like a milkshake with that order, sir?

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